
Pan-Caribbean Institutions

If your institution is not listed, please fill out the form at the end of this list to be included.

Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDEMA)

Greater Antilles

Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Obispo no. 61, Plaza de Armas, La Habana, CH10100, Cuba, Fax (537) 62-0353, email:

Dirección General de Minería, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; email:

Red Sismica Dominicana. Seismology. Installing a seismic network of 15 telemetric stations. Email:

University of Puerto Rico - Geology Department and Tropical Center for Earth and Space Sciences,

University of the West Indies - Department of Geography & Geology, Mona, Kingston 7, JAMAICA, W.I. Fax (876) -977-6029. Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral programs in Geology. 

Lesser Antilles; Trinidad and Tobago

McGill University, Barbados - Bellairs Marine Laboratory

University of the West Indies - St. Augustine - Seismic Research Center

University of the West Indies - St. Augustine - Dept of Chemical Engineering

Volcanological and Seismological Observatories of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) (Martinique and Guadeloupe)

Montserrat Volcano Observatory, Montserrat

Northern South America

Investigación e Información Geocientífica, Minero-Ambiental y Nuclear (INGEOMINAS), Colombia

Observatorio Sismológico y Geofísico del Suroccidente Colombiano (OSSO), Universidad de Valle, Calí, Colombia

Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas, FUNVSIS, Venezuela

Guyana Geological Services, Guyana

Geological Mining Service, Suriname

Central America

Escuela Centroamericana de Geología, Universidad de Costa Rica, Aptdo 35 (2060), Ciudad Universitario "R. Facio", San Jose, Costa Rica.

Centro Sismologico de America Central, Apartado 35 San José, Costa Rica, América Central Tel. (506) 253-8407 Fax (506) 253-2586

Instituto de Geociencias de la Universidad de Panama

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) Apartado 2110, Frente a Policlínica Oriental del INSS, Managua, Nicaragua, Fax [505] 2491890

United States

Florida International University - Department of Earth and Environment. Miami, FL, USA. FIU Department of Earth and Environment has a strong interest in the geoscience and environmental science of the Caribbean and Latin America. Enquiries from Caribbean nationals for bachelors, masters and doctorate programs are encouraged.

University of Miami, Department of Geosciences

University of Miami,  Rosenstiel School of Marine Atmospheric and Earth Sciences

University of Texas at Austin,  Institute of Geophysics

US Geological Survey, Geological map of North America

Individual Investigators

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Caribbean Marine Basins

Bill Dillon - Marine Geology, seismology
Stuart Hall - Marine magnetics
Andrew Kerr - Cretaceous Caribbean - Colombian Oceanic Plateau
Paul Mann – Carribean basins

Bahamas Platform

Gregor Eberli - seismic stratigraphy
Michael Grammar - carbonate sedimentation

Greater Antilles


Eric Calais – GNSS geodesy
Steeve Symithe – GNSS geodesy


Jorge Cobiella - regional geology, physical stratigraphy
Lila Diaz de Villalvilla - petrology and geochemistry of the Cuba arc
Raul Flores - structural geology
Rick Fluegeman - micropaleontology
Manuel Iturralde -Vinent - plate reconstruction, paleogeography, stratigraphy and paleontology
John Lewis - petrology of the Paleogene arc
Ed Lidiak - petrology and geochemistry of Cuban granitoids
Walter Maresch - metamorphic geology
Guillermo Millán - metamorphic geology
Mireya Perez - petrology and geochemistry of Cuban granitoids
Reynaldo Rojas - Rudist paleontology
Stephen Diaz- Vertebrate paleontology (mainly Quaternary)


Salvador Brouwer - Mineral exploration
Mike Clark - Geomorphic evolution and paleo vegetation history of the Cordillera Central
Gren Draper -Regional geology. Structural geology, Metamorphic geology, Shear zones associated
with ophiolite emplacement
Andrew Coleman - Structural geology of the Hispaniola fault zone
Julio Espaillat - Mineral exploration
Giuseppe Giunta - petrology and geochemistry of ophiolitic rocks
Gabi Gutierrez - Structural geology, Shear zones associated with ophiolite emplacement
Pedro Hernaiz, Eusebio Lopera, Marcelo Martín - regional mapping of south-central Dom. Rep.
Manuel Iturralde-Vinent - paleoenvironment of the Dominican amber; vertebrates in amber
Jorge Jimenez - Mineral exploration
Steve Kesler - Economic geology
Henriette Lapierre - Geochemistry of the Duarte Complex
John Lewis, Regional geology, Igneous petrology and geochemistry of arc rocks and ophiolite
Paul Mann, Neotectonics, paleoseismology
Florentin Maurrasse - Biostratigraphy of Haiti, K-T impact
Fred Nagle - Regional geology
Luis Odonel Gomez, Seismology
Carol Prentice - paleoseismology
Ivan Tavarez, Regional geology, engineering geology

Puerto Rico

James Joyce - Structural Geology, engineering geology
Don McFarlane - vetebrate paleontology
Ed Lidiak - petrology of volcanic and plutonic rocks
Hernan Santos - Rudist paleontology
Hans Schellekens - igneous petrology, economic geology

Virgin Islands

Grenville Draper, Microtectonics of the Caledonia Formation, St. Croix


Rick Abbott - Metamorphic petrology
Rafi Ahmad - Landslides, neotectonics
Barbara Carby - Natural Hazards
Steve Donovan - Paleontology, esp echinoidia
Grenville Draper - Tertiary tectonic history; metamorphic geology, karst landforms
Don McFarlane - vetebrate paleontology
David Miller - Geomorphology
Simon Mitchell - Carbonate sedimentology
Edward Robinson, Biostratigraphy and larger foraminifera
Margaret Wiggins-Grandison - Seismology
Kevin Tankoo - Stratigraphy

Lesser Antilles

Erouscillia (Pat) Jospeh – geochemistry
Graham Ryan – volcanology
Richard Robertson – volcanology
Lloyd Lynch – instrumentation
Stacy Edwards – geoscience education
Thomas  Christopher – volcanology
Joan Latchman – seismology
Valérie Minin – volcanology
Anne-Marie Lejeune - volcanology


Don McFarlane - vetebrate paleontology


Malcolm Hendry - Coastal processes, sedimentology, environmental geology

Northern South America

Trinidad and Tobago
Art Snoke - petrology and structure (Tobago)
John Weber – neotectonics, structural geology, GNSS geodesy
Jeanette Arkle – tectonic geomorphology
Laurent DeVerteuil – stratigraphy, palynology
Philip Farfan – stratigraphy, petroleum geology
Robert Erlich – stratigraphy, petroleum geology
Xavier Moonan – stratigraphy, structure, tectonics, petroleum geology
Hasley Vincent – stratigraphy and sedimentology
Ariana Osman – stratigraphy

Jonathan Turner - Plaeomagnetics related to neotectonics, Serrania del Interior
Virginia Sissons - Metamorphic geology

Andrew Kerr, Nick Arndt - Petrology/geochemistry of ocean plateau rocks
Nelson Guillermo Rangelo-Buitrago – coastal geology
Camillo Montes - geology


Henriette Lapierre- Petrology/geochemistry of oceanic terranes


Central America

Costa Rica

Jean Hernandez, Igneous petrology
Allen Lopez-Saborio - structural geology, paleostress
Marnio Protti – seismology
Andrew Newman – geophysics
Esteban Chavez - seismology


Robert Rogers -  geomorphology, stratigraphy, geological mapping
Robert W. Scott - Paleontology, Cretaceous biostratigraphy
Lina C. Patino - geochemistry, volcanic arc lavas
Donald Stierman - geophysics, geoarchaeology
Richard "Ric" Finch - tectonics and regional stratigraphy; karst geology)
Mark Gordon - tectonic evolution, geochronology, stratigraphy of Chortiz block


Wilfrid Strauch - geophysics, earthquakes, volcanoes


Laurie Collins - Caribbean benthic foraminifera (see also Panama Paleontology Project)
Carlos Jaramillo – paleontology, geology

Igneous Petrology

Thomas W. ("Nick") Donnelly - Cretaceous Caribbean Basaltic Province
Jean Hernandez – igneous geology
John Lewis - Arc volcanics, granitoids and ophiolites in Hispaniola and Cuba.


Charles Connor - Nicaragua, Mexico
Alan Smith - Montserrat, Martinique
Geoff Wadge - Lesser Antilles, Montseratt


Economic Geology

Stephen Kesler- Hispaniola, Central America, Mexico

Petroleum Geology

Jim Pindell – Gulf of Mexico, Trinidad, Venezuela
Paul Mann - Caribbean
Philip Farfan - Trinidad and Tobago
Laurent DeVertiul - Trinidad and Tobago


Laurie Collins - foraminifera
Steve Donovan - echinoids
Dave Harper - brachiopods
Don McFarlane - vertebrate paleontology
Florentin Maurrasse - radiolaria
Homer Montgomery - radiolaria
Ted Robinson - larger foraminifera
Reynaldo Rojas - rudists
Hernan Santos - rudists
Peter Skelton - rudists
Tom Stemann-corals

In Memoriam

Robert Ginsburg - Carbonates, sedimentation
Ed Lidiak, - Granitoids in Puerto Rico, Cuba
Hans Schellekens - Puerto Rico
Trevor Jackson - Igneous petrology and geochemistry
Robert "Bob" C. Speed - Structure and Tectonics
Brent Wilson - Micropaleontology, biostratigraphy
Hans Ave Lallement - Structural Geology